
Showing posts from September, 2020

What does an expert witness building surveyor does?

Building surveyors are often called in for being an expert witness in matters where there is a dispute between a building owner and the builder. The  expert witness building surveyors  act in a court of law when the dispute needs to be resolved through legal action.   The court usually persuades both parties to agree towards the appointment of a single expert witness. The person needs to be RCIS certified and has to be a   Chartered Building Surveyor   of experience. The person appointed inspects the said property, gathers evidence, a statement from each party involved, and then submits his/her opinion on the matter and a report that contains the facts and figures of the case. Depending upon how complex the case and how urgent the court hearing is, the expert witness building surveyor will prepare the report and submit in the court. It is important to appoint chartered building surveyors who are experts in this domain.   A   Measured Building Survey ...